Siemenen avaruus, josta luonto järjestelee omaa taidenäyttelyään, tulee hämmentäväksi kun siihen tarttuu mitään pelkäämättä lapsen käsi, vanhuksen käsi -monet kädet, jotka ovat kokeneet epäonnistumisia yksin ja yhdessä. Luonto rakentelee omaa taidenäyttelyään ainutlaatuisessa tilanteessa. Siemenestä rakentuu elämälle välttämätön kiertonäyttely, jossa kohtaavat arkinen puurtaminen ja käsittämättömän kipeänkaunis kasvu, kukoistus ja kuolema. Mukana on terveyttä ja sairautta, petturuutta ja ahneutta , ravintomme koko kirjo. Museo avaa uuden näkökulman tutulle, kauaksi karkaavalle, lähellä lymyävälle välttämättömyydelle – kasvulle. Mukana on puutarhureita, puuseppiä, taiteilijoita, kasvattajia, nuorten projekteja, työvoimahankkeita, ikääntyvien terapiaa, terveyden toiminnallisuutta, kouluja, lastentarhoja ja kirjastoja. Ketjun yksikkönä on kasvulaatikko, joka on tarvittaessa myös esteetön alusta niin päiväkotilapselle kuin vanhuspalvelun rullatuolissa puuhailevalle. Laatikot ovat syntyneet Salon pajatoiminnassa, Salon ammattiopistossa ja Työvoiman palvelukeskuksessa. Salon taidemuseo Veturitallin piha-alueelta ketjupuutarhan sadonkorjuu siirtyy sisälle työpajoiksi ja kahvilan tarjoiluun. Paikallinen siemenpankki tulee palvelemaan tulevia yhteisöllisiä kasvuhankkeita. Laatikot jaetaan päiväkoteihin, vanhusten palvelutaloihin seuraavia vuosia varten. Kokeilut, reseptit, kuvat ja kertomukset pannaan talteen ja kiertoon.
Halikonlahti Green Art trilogia päättyy, mutta siemenet ympäristömme parhaaksi jäävät itämään.
Chain Garden - the Miracle of Seed The universe of seeds, from which nature puts together its own art exhibition, becomes bewildering when touched by the hand of a child afraid of nothing, the hand of an elderly person, many hands which have experienced misfortune, either individually or collectively. Nature constructs its own art exhibition in unique circumstances. A seed constitutes a cyclical exhibition that is essential for life, where daily toil and incomprehensible pain encounter the beauty of growth, flowering and death. It encompasses health and sickness, betrayal and greed, our whole food spectrum. This museum exhibition opens up a new perspective on a familiar, far reaching yet closely hidden necessity: growth. The participants include gardeners, carpenters, artists, educators, youth projects, employment projects, ageing therapy, health and functionality, schools, kindergartens and libraries. Each link in the chain is a seed-box, which can also, if necessary, be constructed as a freestanding platform that can be accessible to both children and elderly people in wheelchairs. The boxes have been constructed in workshop activities at Salo Youth Project, at Salo Vocational College, and at the Employment Services Centre. From the grounds of Salo Art Museum the produce from the chain garden is taken inside, for use in workshops and in the cafe. A local seed bank will serve future community planting projects. The boxes will be distributed among nursery schools and assistedliving buildings for the elderly, for use in the coming years. Experiments, recipes, pictures and stories will be collected and circulated. So, the Green Art Trilogy comes to a close, but the seeds that it has sown in people's minds remain for the benefit of our environment.
Chain Garden - the Miracle of Seed The universe of seeds, from which nature puts together its own art exhibition, becomes bewildering when touched by the hand of a child afraid of nothing, the hand of an elderly person, many hands which have experienced misfortune, either individually or collectively. Nature constructs its own art exhibition in unique circumstances. A seed constitutes a cyclical exhibition that is essential for life, where daily toil and incomprehensible pain encounter the beauty of growth, flowering and death. It encompasses health and sickness, betrayal and greed, our whole food spectrum. This museum exhibition opens up a new perspective on a familiar, far reaching yet closely hidden necessity: growth. The participants include gardeners, carpenters, artists, educators, youth projects, employment projects, ageing therapy, health and functionality, schools, kindergartens and libraries. Each link in the chain is a seed-box, which can also, if necessary, be constructed as a freestanding platform that can be accessible to both children and elderly people in wheelchairs. The boxes have been constructed in workshop activities at Salo Youth Project, at Salo Vocational College, and at the Employment Services Centre. From the grounds of Salo Art Museum the produce from the chain garden is taken inside, for use in workshops and in the cafe. A local seed bank will serve future community planting projects. The boxes will be distributed among nursery schools and assistedliving buildings for the elderly, for use in the coming years. Experiments, recipes, pictures and stories will be collected and circulated. So, the Green Art Trilogy comes to a close, but the seeds that it has sown in people's minds remain for the benefit of our environment.
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Kuva: Andréa Vannucchi |
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